Attempt #3: Gymnastics
Gymnastics Background: Let me just start by saying I can't even touch my toes or straighten my legs. The last time I did gymnastics was probably when my mom forced me to do it in when I was four. After about a year of gymnastics my parents realized that I couldn't even walk across the balance beam without falling off so my dad took me out of gymnastics and started coaching my soccer team. Since then, I have had many friends and teammates laugh at my failed cartwheel attempts. Today I will be attempting to improve my cartwheel form and learn the correct way to do one with the help of a gymnastics instructor. My Prediction: I think my form will get a little better but the fact that I can't really straighten my legs may keep me from ever achieving "perfect form." The Process: Sophie Becker, a gymnastics instructor for young kids, attempted to teach me how to do a cartwheel. First, I showed her how I would normally do a cartwheel (watch the vi...