
Showing posts from February, 2019

Attempt #3: Gymnastics

Gymnastics Background:    Let me just start by saying I can't even touch my toes or straighten my legs. The last time I did gymnastics was probably when my mom forced me to do it in when I was four. After about a year of gymnastics my parents realized that I couldn't even walk across the balance beam without falling off so my dad took me out of gymnastics and started coaching my soccer team. Since then, I have had many friends and teammates laugh at my failed cartwheel attempts. Today I will be attempting to improve my cartwheel form and learn the correct way to do one with the help of a gymnastics instructor.  My Prediction: I think my form will get a little better but the fact that I can't really straighten my legs may keep me from ever achieving "perfect form."  The Process:   Sophie Becker, a gymnastics instructor for young kids, attempted to teach me how to do a cartwheel. First, I showed her how I would normally do a cartwheel (watch the vi...

Attempt #2: Drawing

Drawing Background:   If there's anything I'm worse at than cooking, it's probably drawing. My whole life I've been absolutely horrible at all types of art and honestly, I've never really done anything to try to change that. I accepted that art was just one of those things I would never be good at and moved on to things that came more naturally to me. Yeah, I'll occasionally doodle in the edge of my notes packet when I'm bored in class, but that's about the extent of the drawing I've done since I took an art class in 6th grade. It's time that I try to draw again, so today I will be attempting to draw an eye. I looked up a step by step video on how to draw it and that's what I'll be trying to imitate in my attempt to draw.  My Prediction: My eye drawing before watching the video Before watching the video, I decided to draw an eye without looking at a picture and just drawing it free hand and without any background knowledge on ho...

Attempt #1: Cooking

Cooking Background:   Let me just start off by saying I am probably one of the worst cooks on this Earth. I once tried to make grilled cheese in the toaster and when I came back to check on it the whole kitchen was filled with smoke and the rim of the toaster was completely black. Another time, I was making a quesadilla and I had the stove on and didn't realize that the plastic from the tortilla packaging was completely submerged in the fire. Cooking is something I know I'm bad at and also something I rarely do. That's why today I decided to make oreo cookie dough cheesecake bars. The recipe looked delicious but also fairly difficult so I decided to give it a try.  My Prediction: Judging by my past cooking experience, I do not think this will go well. I predict that I will either forget a very important step or the center will be completely raw.  The Process:   As soon as I began, I was already doing something wrong. The first step was to line a pan with ...