Attempt #1: Cooking

Cooking Background:  

Let me just start off by saying I am probably one of the worst cooks on this Earth. I once tried to make grilled cheese in the toaster and when I came back to check on it the whole kitchen was filled with smoke and the rim of the toaster was completely black. Another time, I was making a quesadilla and I had the stove on and didn't realize that the plastic from the tortilla packaging was completely submerged in the fire. Cooking is something I know I'm bad at and also something I rarely do. That's why today I decided to make oreo cookie dough cheesecake bars. The recipe looked delicious but also fairly difficult so I decided to give it a try.

 My Prediction:

Judging by my past cooking experience, I do not think this will go well. I predict that I will either forget a very important step or the center will be completely raw.

 The Process: 

As soon as I began, I was already doing something wrong. The first step was to line a pan with tin foil and I, of course, didn't read the recipe before had so I didn't realize I would be layering all the ingredients. I chose the shallowest pan we had and then went on to make the cookie base. This part wasn't too hard. Some of my measurements were a little off but overall the consistency turned out ok and it tasted pretty good. After I had finished mixing it up, I realized that the pan I had was not going to work so I grabbed a pan that was a bit smaller and deeper. I made the same mistake again and did not read the directions that said to save 1/4 of the cookie dough for the top layer and ended up spreading all of it across the bottom of the pan. By the time I realized it, it was too late and there was nothing I could do about it. The next step was to spread Oreos around the pan, on top of the cookie dough. This part was pretty easy and it would be difficult to mess up.   Next was the cheesecake layer.  The only directions for this layer were to put all the ingredients in a mixer and mix them up. Seemed simple enough. When I was pouring vanilla into the mixture, I totally spaced out and ended up pouring way more in than I was supposed to. In the end, the consistency was a little runny but it smelled pretty good so I just speared it on top of the Oreos and hoped for the best. At this point, I should have put the remaining cookie dough on the top but I didn't have any so I just coupled up some Oreos and chocolate chips, scattered them across the top, and put it in the oven. 

The Turn Out: 

As soon as I pulled it out of the oven, the smell sweet smell filled my entire house. It looked delicious but I could tell that the top was a little less cooked than the bottom. After tasting I piece, I could tell that the cookie dough layer at the bottom was a tiny bit overcooked but everything else was perfect and it tasted amazing. I was honestly so surprised because I really thought I was going to burn the house down or it was going to be either totally raw or overcooked. My whole family loved it and by the end of the night, there were only a couple of crumbs left.

What I Learned: 

After baking this dessert I learned many different things about cooking. First, I should probably read the directions before I start. Second, I need to measure out the ingredients more precisely. Third, I should use the middle oven rack and not the top one. Last but not least, I actually enjoy cooking and I should do it more often.




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