Attempt #2: Drawing

Drawing Background:  

If there's anything I'm worse at than cooking, it's probably drawing. My whole life I've been absolutely horrible at all types of art and honestly, I've never really done anything to try to change that. I accepted that art was just one of those things I would never be good at and moved on to things that came more naturally to me. Yeah, I'll occasionally doodle in the edge of my notes packet when I'm bored in class, but that's about the extent of the drawing I've done since I took an art class in 6th grade. It's time that I try to draw again, so today I will be attempting to draw an eye. I looked up a step by step video on how to draw it and that's what I'll be trying to imitate in my attempt to draw.

 My Prediction:

My eye drawing before watching the video
Before watching the video, I decided to draw an eye without looking at a picture and just drawing it free hand and without any background knowledge on how to do it. To say it was terrible is an understatement. After this attempt, I do not think I will draw this eye very well

but I do think I will improve.

 The Process: 

The eye that was drawn by the artist in the video
When I was looking for videos I saw one labeled, "Easy way to draw a realistic eye for Beginners step by step," and I knew right away that was the one for me. The video wasn't very long, only about 10 minutes, but I had to redo so many steps that it probably took me half an hour to get through it. At the beginning of the video, the directions say you need q-tips, a pencil, a ruler, and a pencil sharpener, and at the time, all I had on hand was a pencil. The video broke down each step so that it seemed very simple which was perfect for me and allowed me to really follow each step precisely. Many of my lines turned out pretty crooked but I kept on trying until they were at least somewhat straight. The artist in the video did a lot of smudging with the q-tip but because I didn't have one, a lot of my smudges either were way too big and in the wrong places or too small and not blended enough.
Although this was frustrating, it wasn't a huge problem because I was able to just erase and try again. The hardest parts for me were probably the eyelashes. They were supposed to look more detailed and separated but I went a little too extreme on them and made way too many. In the end, although the video also had steps on how to draw an eyebrow, I decided not to include it and just focus on the eye.

The Turn Out: 

After erasing about a million times, I was finally done. I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out and it may be one of the best drawings (which really isn't saying much). Compared to my original drawing (yikes) this one could have been a whole lot worse so I'll count this as a win.
My final attempt

What I Learned: 

After drawing this eye I learned that if I follow steps and really put my mind to drawing something, I can do it. I still need a lot of practice but I think I'll try to watch more drawing videos and draw more often. Who knows, maybe in a year I finally won't be drawing stick figures.


  1. I LOVE this, Kayla! And I admire your willingness to tackle challenging things like you've done the past few weeks. Keep it up!


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