Attempt #7: Knitting
Knitting Background: I've only knitted one other time in my life and it was at a Martin Luther King Day service event. Basically, there were a bunch of different activities you could choose from and one was knitting caps for babies in a homeless shelter. I thought this sounded like a great idea so I went in and the instructor tried to teach the class a couple stitches but I was so confused. About ten minutes in, all the ladies around me were halfway done with their caps and I was still on my second stitch so I ended up leaving and going to a new activity. My Prediction: I think if I have a good teacher and I'm able to learn one on one I'll be able to get a couple stitches in. I think they'll look pretty wonky and not really come out to anything but I think overall I'll be able to do a few stitches. The Process: For this challenge I had Stella teach me the steps. Stella has been knitting since she was 8 years old and she can knit extremely fast. When s...