
Showing posts from April, 2019

Attempt #7: Knitting

Knitting Background:    I've only knitted one other time in my life and it was at a Martin Luther King Day service event. Basically, there were a bunch of different activities you could choose from and one was knitting caps for babies in a homeless shelter. I thought this sounded like a great idea so I went in and the instructor tried to teach the class a couple stitches but I was so confused. About ten minutes in, all the ladies around me were halfway done with their caps and I was still on my second stitch so I ended up leaving and going to a new activity. My Prediction: I think if I have a good teacher and I'm able to learn one on one I'll be able to get a couple stitches in. I think they'll look pretty wonky and not really come out to anything but I think overall I'll be able to do a few stitches. The Process:   For this challenge I had Stella teach me the steps. Stella has been knitting since she was 8 years old and she can knit extremely fast. When s...

Attempt #6: Origami

Origami Background: I don’t have any background when it comes to making origami. I don’t think I’ve ever made one in my entire life but considering that I can barely fold a piece of paper in half without the sides being uneven, I don’t think I’ll be very good at it. I’m also terrible and pretty much every form of art so we’ll see how this turns out. My Prediction: I have very low expectations for how my crane is going to turn out. My guess is that my crane will look like a crumpled up paper ball by the end. The Process: Marie Elise's crane (orange) and my crane (blue) My friend Marie-Elise lived in Japan for 3 months in middle school and used to have an origami set which she used to make all types of different animals. Throughout this blog I’m just going to call her the crane master because I definitely could not have made my crane without her. First, we had to get origami paper from Stella (thanks Stella!) and then we were ready to begin. The first co...