Attempt #4: Using Chopsticks

Chopstick Background:  

I love pretty much all types of Asian food, sushi, glass noodles, dumplings, you name it but despite multiple attempts, I've never been able to successfully use chopsticks. Every time I try, all of the food falls off of them as soon as I lift my hand from my plate. I always end up just getting disappointed and shamefully asking the waiter for a fork. My stepmom is Filipino and she tried to teach me every time we go out but I've never really gotten it. Who knows, maybe today is the day I finally learn to use chopsticks.

My Prediction:

Considering that I've tried and failed to use chopsticks many times, I'm skeptical. I think today I may be able to pick up a couple of noodles without them dropping but I doubt I'll be able to get through an entire meal with just chopsticks.

The Process: 

This Sunday I went to Honeygrow where they sell stir fry with noodles. At first, I tried to eat my noodles without any instruction on how to use my chopsticks. As you can see in the video, I failed. The noodles kept slipping through my chopsticks and it was very frustrating because I couldn't even bring one single noodle to my mouth. I then asked my mom, who was using her chopsticks with ease, to tech me how to hold them. She showed me where to put my fingers and I tried again.

The Turn Out: 

I was actually able to pick up my noodles! I was only able to eat with them for a couple of bites before my noodles started slipping through again but it was better than the first time! After that I just went back to my fork and ate my lunch in peace.

What I Learned: 

I learned it's not too hard to use chopsticks once you learn the right way but I don't think I'll use them very often. I still have a lot of practice to do before I can actually use chopsticks for an entire meal.


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