Paintball Background:
I've never played paintball in my life but it's not something I think I'll be very good at. When I was younger, my family would have Nerf wars around the house and I had terrible aim and was always the first one shot. We also had an archery unit in PE in middle school and I think I might have only hit the target once. I don't really know what skills are needed in order to be successful in paintball but I most likely don't have them. I've actually always wanted to try paintball though so I'm pretty excited.
My Prediction:
I'll probably be one of the first one's out and MAYBE if I'm super lucky I'll hit one person.
The Process:
One of our family friends was having his Bar Mitzvah this weekend and instead of having a party he decided to get a huge group of people together and play paintball. I've never played before and I wasn't sure how much it would hurt so I made sure to put on three different shirts and super thick sweatpants just in case it was really painful. As soon as we got there, it was pouring rain and super muddy which was already a bad sign since all the arenas were outside. They gave each of us a giant camouflage suit and a mask and then we all went outside to get the paintball guns. As soon as I walked outside my goggles started to fog up and the paintball gun was much heavier than I expected. We made our way to the first arena which was in the middle of the forest and they assigned us teams, armbands v.s. non armbands. I was on the non armbands team. The arena was so big and there weren't very many big barriers so my friend and I decided to climb under a bush. My friend ended up shooting one of our own teammates and getting her out in the first couple of seconds. We stayed in the bush for a while until suddenly we saw 3 people with bright orange arm bands approaching. This is when we realized crouching down under a bush wasn't such a good idea. The other team saw us and began shooting at us. Their first couple of shots didn't hit us but as we tried to crawl out from under the bush, I felt three paint balls hit me on my bare fingers and one hit me in the shoulder. The shoulder one wasn't too bad because I had so many layers but when I looked down at my fingers, they were all bleeding and they stayed pretty sore for the rest of the day. Of course I had gotten hit in the one place where I had no covering.
The Turn Out:
We ended up playing in two other arenas and despite my aimless shooting I
was actually able to get someone out! I was super happy because it was
one of my brother's friends who was trying to get me from the beginning. Not to soon after I got hit right in the goggles and also got eliminated.
What I Learned:
In the end, even though I had a couple of welts on my hands, it was
worth it because I was able to hit someone and it actually didn't hurt as bad as I thought. It was so much fun and I would definitely go back, but next time I would definitely bring some gloves along with me.
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